
On Mon, 18 Sep 2006 11:10:57 +0200 Matteo Pillon

> I was wondering why Linux doesn't treat directories like files, as
> many other unix implementations do.

Pragmatic answer:

because nobody implemented it for most filesystems. Most filesystems
just define "generic_read_dir" as handling function for "readdir".
"generic_read_dir" always returns -EISDIR.

(see /usr/src/linux/fs/libfs.c and /usr/src/linux/fs/*/dir.c)

> For example, in Linux, you can't do 'cat .' while on FreeBSD you can.
> Why? There is a practical reason?

Well, I think it would be just another unstable API that clueless
programmers would get trapped by. What would be the benefit of being
able to open it?

> Forgive me this OT, I wasn't able to find a suitable list.

That would be the LKML :-)

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