Am Montag, 18. September 2006 16:18 schrieb Grant:
> I'm putting together a new system and I'm considering going 64-bit.
> Is the benefit of such a system pretty much speed?  What are the
> drawbacks of using a 64-bit system with Gentoo?
> - Grant


I have a 32 bit version and a 64 bit version of (mostly stable) Gentoo on the 
same PC and when playing gl-117 I get (assuming everything is set on the 
highest quality in gl-117) around 15 - 20 FPS on the 32 bit Gentoo and around 
30 - 40 FPS on 64 bit Gentoo. This is not too representative, especially 
since not all libs and progs are exactly the same version on both 
installations, but I still think this shows 64 bit CAN make a big difference, 
depending on what you plan to do with your new system. 

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