060921 Andrew Frink wrote:
> On 9/20/06, Philip Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I've just updated to modular X & everything seems to be working,
>> except that after  Ctl-Alt-F2  I can't get back to X with  Ctl-Alt-F7 .
>> I can get back to the original raw terminal with  Ctl-Alt-F1 ,
>> which shows  3  identical error messages.
> is X running on VT7, or is it 9,10,11,12?

I've never quite understood why it's Ctl-Alt-F7 which returns,
when the TTY's involved seem to be 1 & 2 .  In fact,
I've suppressed higher-numbered TTY 3-6 in  /etc/inittab .
Another test reveals that Ctl-Alt-F3 returns to the X session,
so perhaps the command to return uses the next free F key.
Can anyone confirm that ?  Anyway the problem is solved.

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ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto
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