
Thx a lot that was the mistake, x11-apps/xdm was not installed, but i´m sure
it was installed befor update the system...now i got a login window. But it
was not very comfortable and the background is full with "snow" like a bad
TV frame. Any ideas how to fix this...


On 22.09.2006 20:42 Uhr, "Bo Ørsted Andresen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 22 September 2006 20:21, Oliver Klein wrote:
>> After update the hole system xdm doesn´t start anymore. During the boot
>> process i saw this error message
>> /sbin/start-stop-daemon stat /usr/bin/xdm no such file or directory
>> Error could not start the display manager
>> I have installed xorg-7.0 and in my rc.conf i add the following lines
>> XSESSION="kde-3.5"
>> So what´s wrong here and how can i solve this? Thx in advance!
> Did you follow the migration guide [1]? Did you emerge x11-apps/xdm (or
> virtual/x11)? If you did please post the output of (equery is part of
> app-portage/gentoolkit):
> # equery check x11-apps/xdm
> [1] http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/x/x11/modular-x-howto.xml

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