On Monday 25 September 2006 02:05, Lord Sauron wrote:
> I'm sure this is an easy fix, however, I'm not sure how to do this
> exactly...
> Is /var/lib/dhcpc machine generated?


> I want to set my own custom DNS servers for my server (the ones that the
> DHCP host gives are wrong and are very slow!) and I have some
> replacement ones.  I think that by setting the DNS servers in
> the /var/lib/dhcpc/dhcpcd-eth0.info file might change that, however,
> the file looks machine-generated to me.

It doesn't, that file only shows what the dhcp server told dhcpcd to use.
It is not used by your system for dns information.

/etc/resolv.conf lists the dns servers your system uses. (nameserver)

> I looked through the wiki to fix this problem but I didn't find anything
> that looked like it'd help.  Some assistance here would be great.
> The two DNS servers I need are and

Configure dhcpcd to run with -R so resolve.conf is not replaced with the 
resolve directives recieved from the dhcp server.

In /etc/conf.d/net:

Now you can add/replace your own dns servers in /etc/resolve.conf
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