> Can you post the output of "rc-update show".
> Snowballs chance but I
> have an idea.

Thanx Drew. Below is my "rc-update show":

            bootmisc | boot                           
             checkfs | boot                           
           checkroot | boot                           
               clock | boot                           
         consolefont | boot                           
                 gpm |      default           offline 
            hostname | boot                           
             keymaps | boot                           
               local |      default nonetwork offline 
          localmount | boot                           
             metalog |      default           offline 
             modules | boot                           
            net.eth0 |      default                   
              net.lo | boot                           
            netmount |      default                   
            nfsmount |      default                   
             portmap |      default                   
           rmnologin | boot                           
              serial | boot                           
                sshd |      default                   
             urandom | boot                           
          vixie-cron |      default           offline 
              vmware |      default           offline 
                 xdm |      default           offline 


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