On Tue, 2006-26-09 at 14:09 +0200, Wolfgang Illmeyer wrote:
> try running reiserfsck, with --rebuild-sb and/or --rebuild-tree, as needed. 
> But keep a copy of the partition around (as mentioned in the other posting), 
> just in case you find a better way to rescue your files

Good suggestion, Wolfgang. I did manage to recover a very small number
of useful files that way. I didn't back up the partition because it is
just too big to have hanging around taking up disk space.

The reiserfsck man page says that if you have used a repartioning tool
you need to find the correct start of the partition. I had guessed that
it would be where it was before, but it looks like I was wrong. What I
cannot find anywhere is any instructions on how actually to find the
start of the partition. If anyone knows the answer then please post it.
It won't help me, but it might help someone else with the same problem.


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