On Fri, 29 Sep 2006 14:57:43 +0200
Bo Ørsted Andresen wrote:

> On Friday 29 September 2006 14:46, John Newman wrote:
> [SNIP]
> > But later on I decided what the hell, I may as well upgrade X.
> > However, when I attempt emerge xorg-base/xorg-x11, I get a whole
> > list of "Blocked" packages, the gist of it being my installation of
> > x11-base/xorg-x11-6.9 is blocking... everything.
> Actually it says <x11-base/xorg-x11-6.9 or something like that (you
> obviously didn't bother to show us...). You are running
> xorg-x11-6.8.x.
> > I was thinking that 
> > emerge could handle this type of situation since I'm doing an
> > upgrade - that it would unmerge the old stuff and emerge the new
> > stuff as it went along.
> Nope.
> > Is my only option to manually unmerge my current
> > x11-base/xorg-x11-6.9 (and I have hundreds of packages I've
> > emerge'd that depend on it, naturally), then emerge
> > x11-base/xorg-x11 to get the new version (7.1 I believe?).   Or is
> > there a better way?
> I believe the upgrade guide should suffice [1]. And yes, it does tell
> you to unmerge the old xorg-x11. Just follow that guide and you
> should be fine...
> [1] http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/x/x11/modular-x-howto.xml

Unmerging xorg-x11-6.9 and then emerging xorg-x11-7.0 does indeed
work!  The unmerge was down with bated breath :->  The emerge went well
and the system has been working well, though a problem has surfaced
that I think is related.

I've got an ATI Radeon card and was using ATI's official drivers which
are xorg-x11-6.x compatible.  Since ATI's drivers are not 7.x
compatible I'm not using them.  About the time of the change I noticed
that fonts weren't looking as good as I recalled them being and
suspect it's related.  Sigh ...

Any suggestions?



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