On Sunday 01 October 2006 13:48, Jan-Hendrik Zab wrote:
> On Sun, 1 Oct 2006 11:44:42 -0700
> Lord Sauron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Proof:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ grep -nr "dhclient" ./archival
> >
> > I have been getting annoyed at dhcpcd, which will take 180 seconds
> > to ping even if there isn't a networking cable in my NIC.  I use a
> > laptop, so you can easily speculate how I got so annoyed.
> >
> > I know that Kubuntu had the ability to detect whether there was a
> > cable in my laptop and ping accordingly.  I looked at my Kubuntu
> > workstation and found that it's using dhclient.  I installed dhcpd
> > on my laptop and tried my best to make it work.  I got the
> > following:
> [snip]
> Well, maybe I just misunderstood you, anyway... You could try pump
> (the fastest/best dhcp client I know of :-) and ifplug, the latter
> starts the wired ethernet interfaces when they get a link.

Back with DHCPCD, but I haven't unmerged dhclient yet ; )

I'm going to take your word and try ifplug, however, I installed it and 
it doesn't work.  Still pings up /dev/null for all it's doing.  I even 
went to rc-update and had it start at boot, though that didn't work.

My guess is that it's trying to use net.lo (the loopback device) and 
thinks that that's plugged in therefore it tries to ping on everything 

Any suggestions?

> PPS.
> The iface_eth interface is completely out of date, take a _very_ good
> look at `/etc/conf.d/net.example'.

I did, I updated it as best I could.


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