061001 Terry Eck wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who responded to my post.
> I will give gentoo a try to see how it goes.
> my first experience with linux was around 1994 using Slackware 1.2.0.
> Back then it was common to configure and compile the kernel for sound.

You really should have no problem with Gentoo with that experience !
You've had a lot of generally sensible advice while I've been asleep (smile).

I installed Gentoo exactly 3 yrs ago & have never had regrets or problems.
Read the installation guide & the manual carefully before you start,
have printed copies at hand & follow to the letter what they say.
Avoid the GUI installer, which is not a finished product yet.
I did a Stage-3 GRP install, which gives you binaries to get started.

After that, it's upto you how often you update packages:
I do 'eix-sync' every Sat to get the list of what's available,
check the nice colored list of what's changed during the week,
then 'emerge' those which seem to be worthwhile.
There are 3 levels of reliability: 'x86' (or whatever your platform is)
has become something like Debian 'stable', ie rather conservative;
'~x86' sb useable, but perhaps not for basic system items when new;
'hard-masked' is only for people willing to test buggy stuff.

My compiling get done on a separate KDE desktop, while I do other things:
Open Office takes 6 hr (overnight), but there is a binary, if you want it;
a middle-sized set of KDE pkgs takes perhaps 3,5 hr ;
otherwise, the longest compiles are c 1 hr (my CPU is an AMD 2500+).

Gentoo is for people who want to manage their own boxes:
you will need to edit configure files, but they're very well annotated.
You should have a reasonably fast CPU , >= 512 MB memory & broadband,
tho' some hardy people seem to run Gentoo with smaller resources.

Let us all know what happens !

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TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto
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