I've never used Mutt before and I'd like to try it. I'm running kernel
2.6.16-hardened-r11 and I was wondering what use flags I should set when
emerging Mutt. I ran emerge -pv mutt and it looked like some of the disabled
items should be enabled, like -pop and -gpgme. Maybe support for these
things are enabled another way, but I would like to use mutt with gpg and
pull mail off the cox server. 

Can anyone please help me decide which use flags I should enable before
emerging mutt? I've been doing some reading on the subject, but I'm not very
familiar with configuring mua's so I'm a little confused as to what flags
should be enabled and which are better left alone until I grok this better.
I'm not adverse to simply leaving as is and compiling with the default
flags, but I would like to keep this system as stable and hardened as
possible so any advise would be really appreciated. 

Thanks a lot,


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