On Friday 06 October 2006 13:18, James wrote:
> > To get only the hostname (\h is substituted with the hostname as you can
> > read in `man bash`) ...
> >
> > # export PS1=$PS1'\[\033]0;\h\007\]'
> Well I tryied this command by puting it in the .bashrc file on both
> the host system and the target remote. It did not alter the
> kde-session-tab at all. Then I tried just issuing the command
> from the CLI and it did nothing either. So I'm not sure
> I'm trying this solution as intended.

Are you absolutely certain that this option is enabled:

Settings -> Configure Konsole -> General -> 
Set tab title to match window title

? And make sure you don't make a typo...

Try it in e.g. an xterm also. You should see your hostname in the title. It 
works for me at least...

> > Or for the ip you can try this evil command... ;) (it depends on
> > sys-apps/iproute2 and will be overridden by $PS1 -- try in another
> > terminal if you just typed the above command) ...
> >
> > # export PROMPT_COMMAND="ip -o -4 addr show scope global | sed -r 's/.*
> ([12]?[0-9]?[0-9](\.[12]?[0-9]?[0-9]){3})\/.*/\x1b]0;\1\x7/'"
> From the command line I get this error:
> bash: ip: command not found

Uh, I forgot that I have created this symbolic link to allow users to execute 
ip (without giving the full path):

# ls -l /bin/ip
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8  1 jun 11:28 /bin/ip -> /sbin/ip

Prepending the command by /sbin/ should work too (if sys-apps/iproute2 is 

Bo Andresen

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