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Alle 01:11, sabato 7 ottobre 2006, Robert Welz ha scritto:
> Can you post you USE-FLAGS in make.conf and the settings for the
> video card from there, too? Mine looks like
> I have a GeForce 6800 GT running flawlessly with 3D since one or two
> weeks, apart from becoming quite hot. (Its a Gainward card with high
> performance so I think thats normal).
> Set the flags and do a emerge --newuse -u -D world and if that
> doesn't help we can go through X.org config and kernel config.
> Robert

USE = "3dnow 3dnowex X a52 aac aalib acpi addbookmarks aim alias alsa 
arts audiofile autoreplace avi bash-completion -berkdb bmp 
browserplugin bzip2 bzlib cdparanoia cdr connectionstatus contactnotes 
crypt cscope cups dga dio directfb divx4linux dv dvb dvd dvdr dvdread 
emacs encode -esd exif fame fortran f77 fam fbcon fdftk -freetds ffmpeg 
fftw flac flash ftp gadu -gcj gif -gnome gtk gtk2 hal highlight history 
icq id3 ieee1394 imagemagick imlib ipv6 irc jack java jikes jingle 
joystick jpeg justify kde kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility kerberos 
kernel_linux krb4 lame latex lcms -ldap lirc live lm_sensors lzo mad 
matroska mbox memlimit mime ming mjpeg mmx mng mono motif -mozilla mp3 
mpeg mpeg2 mp4live mplayer msn mssql mule multilib musicbrainz mysql 
mysqli ncurses netmeeting nls nomac nowlistening nptlonly nsplugin objc 
on-the-fly-crypt ogg oggvorbis openal opengl oscar -oss pam pcre pdflib 
perl player png posix ppds python qt qt3 qt4 quicktime readline samba 
sametime sdl sensord sharedmem skey sndfile sox speex spell sse ssl 
statistics svg svga subtitles swat sysfs szip tcltk test tetex 
texteffect theora threads tiff tk translator truetype unicode usb 
userlocales utf8 v4l v4l2 vcd videos vorbis webpresence winpopup 
wsconvert wxwindows xanim xine xinerama xml2 xmms xosd xpm xprint 
xscreensaver xv xvid x264 yahoo yv12 zlib zvbi"
INPUT_DEVICES="keyboard mouse penmount joystick"
VIDEO_CARDS="nvidia nv vesa v4l"
Unfortunately emerge --newuse world gives me no update for xorg... (I 
had wrote wrong nvidia)

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