On 07 October 2006 18:56, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Fri, 6 Oct 2006 17:36:10 -0500, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> > > That won't work on CSS scrambled discs. You'll copy the scrambled data
> > > but not the key.
> >
> > That's not true.  The CSS key is in the standard filesystem data, not
> > in some subtrack data.
> You're right. I read this information some years ago in a normally
> reliable source, and saw no reason to doubt it as it made sense. bit I've
> just tried a dd copy and it worked. It failed on the first attempt, but
> after running lsdvd, it worked for the whole disc, and mplayer played it.

While the information above is correct, most DVD devices do not copy the 
particular part of  the filesystem. Their firmware simply doesn't do it.


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