Hi BoØrsted,

Tks for your advice.

> # cat `equery w openoffice`
> [...]
> pkg_postinst() {
>    [...]
>    einfo " Spell checking is now provided through our own myspell-ebuilds, "
>    einfo " if you want to use it, please install the correct myspell package "
>    einfo " according to your language needs. "
>    [...]
> }
> [...]

# cat `equery w openoffice`
!!! No masked or unmasked packages found for openoffice
(hanging here)

# ls /etc/portage/
package.keywords  package.use
No package.mask and package.unmask found

# cat /etc/portage/package.keywords
app-cdr/brasero ~amd64

# cat /etc/portage/package.use
x11-libs/cairo X png
app-text/acroread cups nls ldap nsplugin
media-gfx/gimp python -aalib -altivec -debug doc gimpprint gtkhtml -hardened 
jpeg lcms mmx -mng png smp -sse svg tiff -wmf
* end *

Where can I find samples to create them.  TIA

> Type
> # eix -c myspell

> or

> # emerge -s myspell
> to get a list of languages...

# emerge -pv app-dicts/myspell-en

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild  N    ] app-dicts/myspell-en-20060316  4,295 kB

Total size of downloads: 4,295 kB
* end *

# emerge -av app-dicts/myspell-en

Now openoffice has its own dictionary.  Tks.


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