They're going to install wireless in my school so I guess I better get 
this working sometime soon : )

I isolated my problem to this:

emerge ipw2100 ties in ieee80211, and that fails to compile because it 
says that the current kernel cannot have the option IEEE80211 in either 
module or enabled.  It needs it disabled.

I tried to use menuconfig and disable it, however, the only way I can do 
that is by literally disabling ALL networking - drivers and all.

Kernel is kernel 2.6.17-gentoo-r8.

I'm considering editing the makefile and removing its dependency on that 
blasted kernel configuration setting!

If anyone knows a better/easier way, please help!  I read all the docs 
on and but nothing there that I could 
find helped.

Thanks in advance for any help - I really appreciate it!


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