On Tue, 2006-10-17 at 22:53 -0700, Darren Kirby wrote:
> Quoth the Alexander Skwar
> > ยท maxim wexler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > >>digg2ogg
> > >
> > > should be dir2ogg
> >
> > 0.8 is the latest stable version. Why do you think, that a different
> > version should be offered, when you "emerge dir2ogg"?
> Well, I'm the upstream author, and _I_ think there should be different (ie: 
> newer) version offered. Good enough? 

Can't argue with that *lol* can I call you UPSTREAM? ;)

This is what I do in cases like this (not aimed at UPSTREAM, but for
anyone's reference :)

1. look in /usr/portage to see if newer ebuild exists.
   - if it does, find out whether it's in ~x86, or hard masked, and
decide if I want to explicitly unmask it (usually I do).

2. if no ebuild exists, check bugs.gentoo.org and see if anyone has
requested it / submitted an ebuild that I can put in my overlay.

3. if not, I look at the app's homepage and see if I really want / need
the latest features, and if so I submit a version bump request on
bugs.gentoo.org, providing as much help in the testing process as I can.

4. if it's a very popular app, like gnome, then I look for unofficial
ebuilds and put them in my overlay.

If you try any of these options (unmask, overlay, or unofficial ebuild),
then be prepared for issues / bugs.  But that's what the game is all
about :)

Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

In order to discover who you are, first learn who everybody else is;
you're what's left.

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