On Thu, Oct 19, 2006 at 02:32:35AM +0800, Qiangning Hong wrote:
> I'd like to run a script after X is idle for some time (e.g. 5
> minute), just like what gaim do (it set my status to "away" if I
> haven't touch anything for some time).  How can I do?  FYI, I have
> some Shell/C/Python programming skill.

I might be wrong, but I think Gaim uses the xscreensaver extension 
from libXScrnSaver. There is a PyXSS module which can extract 
information about Xscreensaver including idle time. 

If the idle time that you have is the same as your xscreensaver 
blanking time, then you can just use the 'xscreensaver-command -watch' 
command (look at man xscreensaver-command for more info). I use it 
with festival to have my computer greet me in the morning when I unlock
the screen. 

Willie W. Wong                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
408 Fine Hall,  Department of Mathematics,  Princeton University,  Princeton
A mathematician's reputation rests on the number of bad proofs he has given.
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