Henti Smith wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I've got a virtual domain setup for postfix working .. all good ..
> however I want to setup a spam@ and ham@ address for all
> domains in the virtual lookup table (mysql) to go via a
> transport to the script that procresses the mail.
> I've added the transport in main.cf
> transport_maps = pcre:/etc/postfix/dspam_lerning_transport.pcre
> local_recipient_maps = $transport_maps
> but I'm getting this when I try to send to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table
> any ideas ?

Yup.. the virtual manpage: http://www.postfix.org/virtual.8.html

That should help you out--if not, you might consider asking on the postfix-user 
mailing list. Good luck! :)


Glenn E. Sieb, MTS
Bell Laboratories
+1 732 949 5453
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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