On Fri, Oct 20, 2006 at 07:09:16PM +0100, Penguin Lover Jorge Almeida squawked:
> I'm having a problem when  composing mail in a ssh session since I 
> upgraded the remote kernel to 2.6.17-gentoo-r8 (I had 2.6.17-gentoo-r7 
> before). I'm using vim to compose a message in pine and suddenly it stops 
> responding (nothing happens, whatever key I press). I have to kill the 
> session (by killing the window). On the other hand, if I use the embedded 
> pico to compose, there's no problem. Moreover, I had several ssh sessions 
> active, and they responded as usual, so it's not as the connection went 
> down...
> I always compose messages this way and never had this kind of problem. It 
> happened twice since yesterday, when I upgraded the kernel (can figure out 
> what else can be...).  The local kernel is the same (and it was upgraded 
> some time ago).
> Is there something I can do to try to find the culprit? (Using pico is a 
> real pain, I'm already tired after writing this message!)

Do you have physical access to the remote machine? If you do, try and
see if you can reproduce it locally at the remote machine, just to
rule out ssh being the culprit. (Or perhaps you can try running pine
in a screen session. If ssh is alive, and vim is AWOL, you should be
able to C-a C-d and detach the screen session.)

Did you upgrade vim? or Pine? What versions of those are you running?

If you suspect the kernel is the problem, is there anything in the
logs? (dmesg or otherwise). 

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