On 10/22/06, Iain Buchanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
because the touchpad has to be configured differently to the usb mice,
otherwise things like "emulate3buttons" don't always work (on the
touchpad).  Also, I have different acceleration settings on different
mice, so I couldn't do that if they all used the same

So don't use /dev/input/mice for "all" mice, just for the USB mouse
that you plug in.  Use /dev/input/eventX for the synaptics trackpad.
Here is what I have for my two mouse entries in xorg.conf, and it
hotplugs USB mice perfectly:

Section "ServerLayout"
       Identifier     "Default"
       Screen      0  "LCD"
       InputDevice    "touchpad" "CorePointer"
       InputDevice    "usbmouse"
       InputDevice    "keyboard" "CoreKeyboard"
Section "InputDevice"
       Identifier  "touchpad"
       Driver      "synaptics"
       Option      "Device" "/dev/input/trackpad_evt"
       Option      "Protocol" "event"
       Option      "SHMConfig" "On"
       Option      "LeftEdge" "1500"
       Option      "TopEdge" "1300"
       Option      "RightEdge" "5400"
       Option      "BottomEdge" "4400"
       Option      "EdgeMotionUseAlways" "On"
       Option      "EdgeMotionMinZ" "70"
       Option      "EdgeMotionMaxZ" "85"
       Option      "EdgeMotionMinSpeed" "25"
       Option      "EdgeMotionMaxSpeed" "700"
       Option      "MinSpeed" "0.0"
       Option      "MaxSpeed" "0.3"
       Option      "AccelFactor" "0.3"
       Option      "UpDownScrolling" "On"
       Option      "LeftRightScrolling" "On"
       Option      "Buttons" "8"
       Option      "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Section "InputDevice"
       Identifier  "usbmouse"
       Driver      "mouse"
       Option      "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
       Option      "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
       Option      "Buttons" "8"
       Option      "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
       Option      "SendCoreEvents" "On"

I use a custom udev rule to make the "trackpad_evt" device, otherwise
my keyboard and trackpad event nodes get mixed up between event0 and

BUS=="input", KERNEL=="event*", SYSFS{phys}=="isa0060/serio1/input0",
NAME:="input/trackpad_evt", SYMLINK="input/%k"

Either this, or you have to wait for a version of X.org that truly
supports mouse hot plugging.

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