> Yes, audacious is closest replacement that I found in stable amd64
> tree. It has same philosophy as xmms.
> But it missing several features. For me it is mainly gapless output,
> xosd support and wide posibilites to control it via command line
> (like xmms-pipe). Consider also tons of plugins for xmms.
> I have emerged audacious to watch its development but I will stay
> with xmms as long as it will be possible.

  Me too.  I use mpg321 to play music files on my harddrive.  I don't
need no steenkin gui for that.  mc is a great file-browser that can run
in a true text console or an xterm.  I have it set up to launch mpg321
when I press <ENTER> on an mp3 file.

  I have one other need for an audioplayer.  I'm a paying subscriber of
Live365, and I need a simple audio player to launch and play streams
direct off a .pls file.  audacious falls flat on its face in this task.
The current version (1.1.2-r1) does *NOT* support mp3, or streaming mp3.
It requires a plugin package.  The plugin package is keyword masked
~x86.  After unmasking the plugin package, I find that it requires a
higher version of audacious, which is also keyword masked ~x86.  Etc,
etc., etc.  Version 1.1.0 still supports mp3 directly, so I've
package-masked ">media-sound/audacious-1.1.0".  But wait... there's
more... on at least one Live365 station, audacious plays at half speed,
and the singer's voice is way down low.  xmms handles that station fine.

  I tried RealPlayer.  Unlike xmms and audacious, it can't keep up with
a 96 kbps audio stream, stuttering and buffering all the time.  This is
on an AMDK8 3000+ with 2 gigs of RAM, running Blackbox, not some
underpowered machine running a resource-hogging "desktop environment".

Walter Dnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> In linux /sbin/init is Job #1
My musings on technology and security at http://techsec.blog.ca
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