On 10/30/06, Chuanwen Wu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
2006/10/30, Bo Ørsted Andresen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> The output of:
> # equery check mozilla-firefox
[ Checking www-client/mozilla-firefox-2.0 ]
* 3570 out of 3570 files good
> # equery check mozilla-launcher
[ Checking www-client/mozilla-launcher-1.52 ]
* 3 out of 3 files good
> ?
> Also does this succeed (the $-sign means run as user rather than root):
> $ /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/firefox-bin
(no answer)

I have remerge firefox again,and now when i type :

No running windows found

and  there is no  more output and the terminal just  wait here.
And now ,after about 10 minutes,firefox appear at last! Now everything is Ok!

There is some more message in terminal now:

> ** Message: plugin_get_value 1 (1)

** Message: plugin_get_value 2 (2)



** Message: plugin_get_value 2 (2)

** Message: plugin_get_value 1 (1)

** Message: plugin_get_value 2 (2)

I guess during the 10 minutes,firefox was checking the plugins.


Can you run firefox with the -ProfileManager option, create a new profile and give it a try.

It that works, it means firefox is ok, but your profile is not and this is presumably caused by one of your extensions.

I advis you to:
- backup your profile
- remove the content of extensions/
- restart firefox
- reinstall your extensions one by one



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