Hi, On Thu, 2 Nov 2006 22:43:40 -0700 "Trenton Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anyone here played with minimalizing everything for use in vmware? No, not for that use, but for other uses, yes. But you need to specify what exactly you mean by saying "minimized". I wouldn't go the road and use LFS, as suggested here. IMHO, LFS is absolutely not the way to go when in need for security updates and stuff. Gentoo does it just fine. OTOH, you won't be able to run Tomcat with 64MB of RAM without it getting veeeery sluggish... My suggestion would be to setup a "master" chroot environment on some crafty machine and compile binary packages for all the software you need, then distribute them to the VMs by setting up stage3's and set PORTAGE_BINHOST appropriately. If you want to strip down documentation, locales and stuff, have a look at the scripting facilities of portage: e.g. put this into /etc/portage/bashrc (on the "master" chroot, if you go with a buildhost): ---snip post_src_install() { rm -rf image/usr/share/man rm -rf image/usr/share/doc } ---snip HTH, -hwh -- gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list