Richard Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On 11/13/06, Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> BTW: That won't work. Suppose a user knows, that mozilla-launcher
>> does a openURL remote command and because of that knowledge, he
>> makes use of it.
>> Ie. he calls "firefox http://site/,new-tab"; to have http://site/
>> opened in a new tab. With your patch, this will no longer work.
> True, but you can't have it both ways.

But I want to ;)

> Either ',' characters are a 
> part of the URL, or they are not.  And your idea of dumping
> mozilla-launcher altogether will also break this case as well.

This case: Yes, you're right.
But I see this as an advantage, as users would use the original
firefox script as shipped by and might find a lot
more documentation. For example, "-remote openURL()" would work
as documented on (or does it already work like
documented there, thanks to some "magic" in mozilla-launcher?).

> The defined way of doing this
> would be "MOZILLA_NEWTYPE=new-tab firefox http://site/";.

That's a Gentoo-ism, isn't it?

Alexander Skwar
I'd put my money where my mouth is, but my mouth keeps moving.
             -- Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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