Brian Davis wrote:
> --snip---
> The mount --bind thing looked nice, but you can't change the mount
> permissions from what those directories already have, i.e. if I have
> /stuff/pics on a filesystem mounted rw, I can't then mount --bind it
> to ro.  At least that's what the man page says. If I could mount it to
> ro, that might be a better alternative.
> --snip--

Well, you could make /stuff/pics writable only for its owner, not to the
apache user. For example:

chown -R brian:root /stuff/pics
#/stuff/pics and everything below is owned by brian and the root group

chmod -R 644 /stuff/pics
#/stuff/pics and everything below is writable to brian and readable to all

find /stuff/pics -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
#/stuff/pics and all dirs below are searchable to everyone

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