> How can I tell ahead of time or quickly what the vintage of a
> webpage that looks interesting is?

In general: you can't.  If a page does not contain the date it was 
made, there's no other way to find out.

> Here is an example page:
>  http://dvr.about.com/od/capturetvwithacomputer/ht/htnti.htm
> How can I tell quickly when this was written?

This particular one's easy: it contains a meta tag with 21-Aug-2006 
in it.  Use Ctrl+U in Firefox or Konqueror to see the source text.

> A related point is how accurate is it to use the google advanced
> search and specify `last 3 mnths' or the like?

Zero.  Several times I've tried using it, but still pages and posts 
from 2005, 2004 and older show up.  It's useless.

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