On 11/22/06, Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello, I'm at my parents' home for Thanksgiving and connected
wirelessly to the family Netgear router via WPA.  Page requests
sometimes fail in Firefox immediately, without spending any time
trying to load the page.  I suspect a problem connecting to the ISP's
DNS server.  How would you troubleshoot this?

- Grant
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Some basic things to look at:

1) Can you successfully ping the ISPs DNS?
2) What's in your system's '/etc/resolv.conf'?   (Some DSL/Cable modem
routers set themselves up as the DNS server/proxy.  It's probably to help
speed things up, but I've noticed that my system really doesn't like it and
needs to have the ISPs DNS servers listed instead).
3) Is the system/Firefox set up to use IPv6?  (There's a setting in Firefox
that allows you to prevent it from trying IPv6 lookups:
http://en.opensuse.org/Disable_IPv6_for_Firefox  - yes, it's a SUSE site,
but the directions should work for all systems)



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