I've found 128MB to be fine for /boot.  If he wants to play around with 
non-Gentoo kernels, then it will be nice to have the extra space to store the 
kernel source tarballs (~40MB ea).  In addition, its usually a good idea to 
have space for backups, and probably bitmaps for the boot loader and OS splash 
screens.  IMHO, 128MB is safely big enough and acceptably small even a 60GB HD.

Most new dual booters use Windows as their primary OS, at least until they get 
experience with Linux and decide how they want to customize it for their use.  
If you don't install alot of applications, 10GB is plenty enough (60GB is 
fairly limited space for dual booting).  Actually I've gotten away with 5, but 
my primary Linux (Gentoo) partition, including /home, is now 15GB; 10GB is a 
decent compromise for a new user.  If he decides to create a separate partition 
for /home, then 10GB is plenty big enough for the rest of Gentoo.  Not all 
programs install in /home by default, some install in /opt or /var.  These are 
calls he will have to make as he gains more experience with Linux.  In any 
case, there is nothing that can't be adjusted later with G-parted or some other 

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