  I've been upgrading a couple of machines. Things are going fairly
well but there have been a few problems. This one I need to work out

1) My son's machine was rebuilt with gcc-4 following the upgrade
guide. Everything went well and it finished up yesterday afternoon.
Since I use ndiswrapper on that machine I rebuilt the kernel with
gcc-4 and I rebooted with the new kernel and new drivers. Everything
worked great including wireless, MythTV frontend, Aqualung, etc.

2) This morning I cold booted and everything worked. I did an eix-sync
and had a couple of things to build so I did that. One of them was new
a udev package. Coldplug was removed from the machine.

3) I *think* I warm booted at this point and things still worked but
I'm not positive on that. However I then booted the machine into
Windows to check that it was still there for games, and then warm
booted back into Gentoo. At this point wireless was completely gone. I
tried cold booting but that didn't help so I don't think running
Windows made any real difference.

a) /etc/init.d/net.wlan0 stays it's stopped. If I try to start wlan0
I'm told it doesn't exist.

b) I have the link from net.wlan0 to net.lo.

c) I rebuilt ndiswrapper and it loads. ndiswrapper -l tells me that
the driver is loaded and the device is present.

d) All the basic stuff like route doesn't see the interface, as
expected I guess.

  Where might I look for what's gone wrong?

  As an aside, the Gentoo kernels remove support for stack size
changes so ndiswrapper complains about the kernel when it's emerged.
Is there a patch to get an 8K stack size option back again? Why does
anyone remove this in the first place instead of just setting it to a
sane default?

  Sorry I Cannot send any info from the box but it's off the net.

Thanks in advance,
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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