Richard Fish:
> Ok, two things to try.  First, remove the nameserver
> from resolve.conf.  That "nameserver" may be broken and unable to
> resolve names on the internet.  This should help the "ping
>" case.

Yes, I've already said that, but.... you are great! ;-)
I read your message this morning quickly, when I was going to work, 
and didn'understand it.
Then I've spoken to a colleague of mine, a true network guru, a very 
capable ethical hacker, and I've understood! (I suppose....)
My wireless router:
a) runs a (WAN) DHCP client to get its IP address and the IP addresses 
of my provider's nameservers;
b) it get those IP addresses to send them to me when I run a DHCP 
client; my wireless router runs a (LAN) DHCP server too, but it is 
*not* a nameserver;
c) my DHCP client was configured as usual, i.e. "replace 
my /etc/resolv.conf"; I've added

dhcpcd_toynet="-R -h sergio"

to /etc/conf.d/wireless and restarted /etc/init.d/net.wlan0.
Now... there is no line "nameserver" in 
my /etc/resolv.conf and ping is fast ;-)

BTW: This evening I've started running Windows at first. ipconfig /all 
showed three nameservers, and was the first one.
However, when I ran nslookup, the message was clear: is 
not a nameserver. Why the difference between fast (Windows) and slow 
(my previous Gentoo box) Internet pings? Perhaps because the Windows 
timeout is short: 2 seconds. I do not know how to eventually set such 
a timeout in Linux....

> Second, does "ping -I wlan0" work better?

Nope. ping <-I wlan0 or -n> is still blocked.
Well, it's just a nuisance, but I'll keep looking for a solution.
Any hints would be greately appreciated ;-)
That's not strange, because:

sergio ~ # nmap -sS -O -PI -PT

Starting Nmap 4.11 ( ) at 2006-11-28 
22:21 CET
Interesting ports on
Not shown: 1678 closed ports
80/tcp   open     http
4662/tcp filtered edonkey
MAC Address: 00:17:3F:0C:19:12 (Belkin)
Device type: broadband router
Running: Netgear embedded
OS details: Netgear Wireless router or Netgear FM114P/REPOTEC IP515H 
Router & Print Server

Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 4.834 seconds

i.e., port 7 (Echo) looks closed. Does Windows' ping (which works) 
speak eDonkey? (very OT question ;-)

> Oh, one last don't have any firewall rules enabled,
> right?  (iptables --list)

Right. I wish to configure my real (wire and wireless connection to my 
ISP) and virtual (VMWare) networks, and then enable iptables.

Thanks a lot, as usual ;-)

PS: I wish to thank Thomas Sjolshagen (private message) and Hans de 
Hartog too. If one doesn't feel lonely when he tries to solve a 
problem, well.... that helps a lot! My English is poor, but I hope 
that you understand what I mean ;-)
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