On Fri, 1 Dec 2006 07:00:50 -0500, Jerry McBride wrote:

> Yes, very sure. You can't use autofs on a system that is using hald...
> You can modify hal actions via config files to play nice with cdroms
> and such, but you never get hal to leave cf cards alone. On a few of
> the forums that I've found, have called this a pretty major bug...

I don't normally want it to leave CF cards alone, but just tried and it
worked perfectly. Bear in mind that there is no differentiation between
different physical formats of flash media, but that KDE considers
anything with a dcim directory in the root to be a camera. I just set the
auto-action for unmounted camera to Ignore and plugged in my camera's
CF card and it did not automount. all that happened was that an icon
appeared on the desktop, which I could also disable if I wished.

It sounds more like a misconfiguration than a bug.

Neil Bothwick

If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed...
 ...Oh, wait a minute, he already does.

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