Dale wrote:

But can you go back to it like you can with screen?  I mean if it fails
or something how do you know what happened?  I have never used nohup so
maybe I need more info, hence the questions.

It writes a file 'nohup.out' in your working directory with what you would have seen on the screen if you had stayed logged in, so yeah. Typically what I would do (to keep using the emerge example) is to log back in and:

$ tail nohup.out

which would show where the emerge of kdelibs was up to (so you would know if, for instance it had failed!).

What you cannot do is go back and interact with the running program (other than sending it signals via kill), so it is only useful for things that are not going to ask you stuff (or for things where you can supply the answers in a file and redirect stdin to...).


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