On Mon, Nov 13, 2006 at 09:20:31AM +0000, Mick wrote:
> On Monday 13 November 2006 07:50, Wolfgang Liebich wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Mick schrieb:
> > > On Thursday 09 November 2006 07:09, Wolfgang Liebich wrote:
> > >> Hi,
> > >> Sorry for writing the first email in german - it was meant for
> > >> gentoo-user-de :-/
> > >> Now the same question in english...
> > >> Wolfgang Liebich schrieb:
> > >> I've got a new PC at work and installed it with gentoo linux. My old
> > >> work PC is also a gentoo system. I tried to setup
> > >> the machines pretty similar. BUT:
> > >> On my new PC rdesktop can't connect to any of our WindowsXP machines. I
> > >> always get the error message listed above
> > >> (a windows for rdesktop appears & disappears after the error msg is
> > >> shown).
> > >
> > > I assume that you have checked all the obvious access rights and network
> > > configuration issues (like the firewall configuration on the WinXP
> > > machines, the particular -l username access rights for login on
> > > interactively at the WinXP console, etc.)?
> >
> > Yes:
> > - There is no firewall between the winxp machines (plural :-/) and the
> > linux boxen (old or new)
> Including any WinXP (software) firewall?  I am thinking here that it may have 
> to do with the subdomain address that the new Gentoo build is trying to 
> access them from.
> > - I do net even GET to the login mask, so user permissions don't play a
> > role (and if I connect from the OLD gentoo box, I can login).
> This type of message often occurs when you are trying to access machines over 
> slow, high latency dial-up connections.  Are you using IP addresses to 
> connect to the WinXP boxen, or names - name resolution could add to the delay 
> and time-out reset messages.
> Have you searched the rdesktop server event logs?  tcpdump?

Well, the latest breaking news from the rdesktop front:
- I tried to reemerge rdesktop (release  1.4.1) with the "debug" USE
flag set in package.use. First test: It works !!! (after spewing
incredible amounts of debugging messages at me). OK.
- I removed the line specifying "debug" USE flag and reemerged again
(same state as before). What do you think happened
now?.... well.... it worked!!!!

Well... on one hand, I'm glad it's working now. 
BUT .. I feel somewhat spooked :-)))
Has ANYONE some kind of explanation for that???
Dazed & confused,
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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