On 12/6/06, Korthrun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am using perl and I'd rather not install and maintain PHP just so I
> can use Squirrelmail.  It sounds like I may need to though.  Does
> anyone prefer another webmail client to Squirrelmail?
> - Grant
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
If you don't mind php, I recommend horde . Just be sure that you
actually need the features it provides, because it has the potential
be a hassle to setup.

Atmail is a good perl based webmail, along with Neomail, which was
previously mentioned.

()  The ASCII Ribbon Campaign - against HTML Email,
/\  vCards, and proprietary formats.
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

My work uses Atmail - it may be highly aesthetic but it's not very
functional.  There's a bug with the perl script for viewing image
attachments inline that doesn't always allow you to view them.

- Mark Shields

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