Iain Buchanan wrote:
Hi all,

I have an internal bluetooth (usb-based) "thing" which I use with linux.
It also works with vmware, but only when the hci-usb module is unloaded
from linux first.

The problem is, I have to disable wireless (with the hotkey) on my
laptop to unload the module, but when I re-enable wireless, the
bluetooth init.d service starts automatically, and reloads the module!

Why is the service starting automatically?  I don't have it in any
runlevels.  I have RC_HOTPLUG="no" in /etc/conf.d/rc so I thought this
shouldn't happen?

The only way around it is to disable wireless, then
rename /etc/init.d/bluetooth before enabling the wireless again...

Any thoughts on fixing this?

Every init.d script has a section  on which on can put what services that script depends on.
That section is called, depend().
check your wireless init.d script and see if it has bluetooth has a dependency and try to remove it.
i dont know if it will work, but you can try :-)

this is an example for alsasound:

depend() {
        need bootmisc localmount
        after modules isapnp coldplug hotplug



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