Redouane Boumghar wrote:
> Hello all,
> Grant wrote:
>> Also, I've noticed in top that when my server's 2GB of memory is
>> filled, it uses a small amount of swap (~24k) before it frees some up.
>> The "Swap: 24k" then remains.  Is that normal?
> Yes I have also notice that after a heavy ram use I get this tiny
> space used on my swap. And it remains even after my ram has been half
> freed.
> My box has 1GB of ram and the small amount I sometime get on swap is
> 164KB and it can stay like that for 2 weeks, until i reboot.
> But I assume rebooting is not a great solution for a server :=)
> Writing to disk is too expensive as Pablo Antonio suggested, so once swap
> has been used it won't be cleaned until next use, but how to be sure
> it is cleaned at next use ?

>From /etc/conf.d/rc:

> # RC_SWAP_ERASE controls erasing of swap partitions at shutdown.
> # Useful for all those paranoid peeps to nuke their memory.

> Anyway if you want to have stats on the usage of your memory you can
> use 'free'
> but for a long-period log I would recommend 'vmstat' as it puts
> everything on one line so you could gnuplot it later.
> vmstat | grep -v [a-z] >> memory.log
> As Daniel Iliev suggested, there is the configurable sysctl for swap
> control solutions. The variables vm.swappiness and the
> vm.swap_token_timeout which
> control the "trashing behavior". I didn't really find much info on
> vm.swap_token_timeout.
> The man is not very extensive.
> Has Anyone more info on configuration of the file /etc/sysctl.conf  ?
> especially for :
> vm.swappiness
> vm.swap_token_timeout

You can put this in your /etc/sysctl.conf file:

> vm.swappiness = 30

That is what I have in mine.  It does work though.  I have changed and
you can see the difference.

> If we get a solution or just some more info,
> it would be nice to have a wiki page about it, wouldn't it ? ;)
> Have a Good Day,
> Red.
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