I'm trying to install the lastest version of avidemux, downloaded from
their website.  The compilation instructions said to run configure with 

--with-jsapi-include=<location of spidermonkey>



for Gentoo.

I keep trying, but it won't work and I don't understand why.  Here's the
error I'm getting on configure:

checking spidermonkey engine ... using :  : as extra flags
checking jsapi.h usability... no
checking jsapi.h presence... no
checking for jsapi.h... no
configure: WARNING: I did not find a working copy of jsapi.h and the
associated library.
configure: WARNING: <1>- Not reachable : Make sure you have spidermonkey
configure: WARNING: Then use --with-jsapi-include=/path/to/jsapi.h/
configure: WARNING: <2>- Make sure the library is in your
configure: WARNING: <3>- Make sure multithreading is enabled in your
configure: WARNING: The ones from mozilla-dev or firefox-dev are ok
configure: error: *** Working SPIDERMONKEY javascript engine not found !

This is how I'm running it:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] avidemux_2.3.0 $ ./configure --with-newfaad

As you can see from ls:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] avidemux_2.3.0 $ ls /usr/include/js
js.msg       jsbool.h    jsdbgapi.h  jshash.h     jsobj.h
jspubtd.h    jsstr.h
jsapi.h      jsclist.h   jsdhash.h   jsinterp.h   jsopcode.h
jsregexp.h   jstypes.h
jsarena.h    jscntxt.h   jsdtoa.h    jslibmath.h  jsopcode.tbl  jsscan.h
jsarray.h    jscompat.h  jsemit.h    jslock.h     jsosdep.h
jsscope.h    prmjtime.h
jsatom.h     jsconfig.h  jsexn.h     jslong.h     jsotypes.h
jsscript.h   resource.h
jsautocfg.h  jscpucfg.h  jsfun.h     jsmath.h     jsparse.h
jsbit.h      jsdate.h    jsgc.h      jsnum.h      jsprvtd.h

So why isn't it taking?  Am I not using it correctly?

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