On Sun, 17 Dec 2006 23:10:24 +0530, arnuld wrote:

> Neil, i am already using latest firmware: V3.6.0C_38
> check it:  http://kbserver.netgear.com/products/DG632.asp

OK, scrub that idea, although several people have reported updating
Netgear routers fixed IPv6 problems.

BTW, problem is solved. "lsmod" shows there is no "ipv6" module is
loaded, not even "net-pf-10". i downloaded Stage3 tarbal & latest
Portage after 2-3 hours wihtout any trouble. it seems like there was
some problem with my ISP (he never accepst that he has a problem on
his side :-(

now got one new trouble.  when i do:

"tar -xvjf -latets-portage-   -C  /usr"

it throws 1000s of messages like:

"CAN NOT OPEN FILE: no such file or directory"

what could be wrong? MD5SUMs are all fine. "Stage-3-tarball" installed
without any single error.

> > Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
> what is that?

A random tagline, and a rather unfunny pun.

good, it really rings a bell, in the reader's brain ;-)

Without Time Everything Would Happen At Once!

one more random thing, it seems like you use a script to "randomise"
things,just a guess

-- arnuld
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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