On Tue, Dec 19, 2006 at 11:27:04AM +0300, Andrey Gerasimenko wrote:
> Where can I get data on the number of Gentoo users and how it changes with  
> time? Are the sync servers reporting the number of portage trees? Are the  
> numbers of subscribers to Gentoo mailing lists available? Can the number  
> of Gentoo developers and the number of developers per package be made  
> known (there is a report somewhere in the thread that the number of  
> developers increased from 60 to 300 in 3 days, but a finer time scale is  
> of interest)?
Getting rsync statistics is tricky (if not impossible) as Gentoo only
controls a few rsync mirrors themselves. Also, many people, universities
and companies are likely running private rsync mirrors further skewing

You can get the number of subscribers to all our mailing lists at
http://lists.gentoo.org/ml_stats.txt and some statistics on our forums
is available at https://forums.gentoo.org/statistics.php. Don't take
those statistics as any more than saying "we have lots of users" - the
statistics aren't meant to answer how many users we have and they're
probably completely wrong for answering that question.

Bryan Østergaard
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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