Hi there,

I installed Gentoo ala the most excellent Gentoo Handbook, and I extend
a million thank yous. I'm having a lot of fun with it, and the whole
venture is turning out to be very satisfying.

I do have a little problem emerging linphone, however.

It decides that it's appropriate to set something causing:

cc1: warnings being treated as errors

during compilation, which is immediately followed by the warning:

/usr/include/speex/speex.h:398: warning: type qualifiers ignored on
function return type

this causes the not-so-fun response:
make[2]: *** [linphonecore.lo] Error 1

I presume that I need to set some flag to stop warnings being treated as
errors, but I lack the knowledge to find what or how to do this. My
make.conf flags are very basic, with the (maybe) relevant lines:

CFLAGS="-march=pentium4 -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"

Googling has turned up not much useful, so I turn to you, oh community
of truth and light.


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