On Mon, 25 Dec 2006 11:46:23 +0300, Mike Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I understand what you say, but I'm not sure I got my point across very
well.  Let's say I have a server that has various things installed like
apache with the 2.0 branch, mysql with the 4.0 branch, and PHP with
the 4.xbranch.  If I do an emerge -u world on a machine with these, at
some random
point in time when the devs decide the newer branch is stable, then any one
of these will be upgraded to the next branch.  What I am asking, is why
wouldn't it be better to have it where I will only stay on the current
branch for that profile, and only move to the next branch when I change the

I do not see any linkage between a profile, which is actually just a set of use variables , and application versions since there is no version data in a profile. (Actually there is, like minimal package versions and required stage 1 packages, but adding maximum versions to profile will make it unusable for most users) That is, profile is not a branch.

I also do not see how a branch can be created based on a profile or a snapshot of a portage tree. For example, if a server profile is being used, what PHP should be in the branch? Or, better, if I decide to install Qt on a server, which definitely does not have KDE, should it be 3 or 4? The only base for branch type versioning I see is the current set of installed packages.

You want to update world and, at the same time, not to update anything. I can understand that if your goal is not to "update world", as Portage thinks when you say "-u world", but to install only bug and sequrity fixes, as Portage does if you mask pakeges properly. As far as I remember, according to this list some work to treat sequrity updates differently is under way. As for bug fixes, I do not see how they can be separated from features.

I feel that what you call "branch" Portage often calls "slot". For example, PHP is slotted, so that if you have PHP 4 and PHP 5 is being installed, your 4 does not go away.

As for ebuilds going modular, I beleive that each case is to be treated separately. For example, KDE is going modular now. For 3, both modular and monolithic ebuilds are maintained, for 4 - only modular ones. No problems at all, right?

I still do not see that any changes to portage are necessary. My guess is that your request can be formulated as a set of requests like

- this app is not slotted, it should be

- I want a script that will examine my world and mask everything so that I can upgrade only the last 2 version numbers

- I want another script to manage the masks set by the previous one

I hope that will be easier for developers to understand.

Andrei Gerasimenko
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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