After emerging dbus-1.0.2 on my x86 system, I've run

  "rc-update add dbus default" to make sure dbus will run in the future
  "/etc/init.d/dbus start" to start it
  "/etc/init.d/dbus reload" to be sure it's running
  "revdep-rebuild" - as suggested by the build notes

Now, _every_ emerge dies with:

  libtool: link: cannot find the library `/usr/lib/' or
     unhandled argument `/usr/lib/'


   !!! ERROR: ... failed.
   Call stack:, line 1580:   Called dyn_compile, line 945:   Called src_compile, line 1269:   Called gnome2_src_compile
     gnome2.eclass, line 71:   Called die

   !!! compile failure
   !!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call
       stack if relevant.

The actual value of "..." depends on which package failed to emerge.

Undoubtedly the problem is that I've not done something necessary, but
I don't know what.  Any hints?



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