On 2007-01-10, Bruno Espinoza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> GTK (www.gtk.org) is a graphic interface library. It was used
> to create The GIMP and for writing GNOME. Obiously, this
> programs need a Windows System in order to run.

Obviously wrong.  They need X _client_libraries_ to run.  There
is not requirement that an X server be installed on the machine
where the client is installed.

> And thats why it need the X Window System (Xorg) in order to
> compile succesfully.

That's bullshit.

> Have you ever see The GIMP in a terminal? I don't think so.

I have many times seen X apps running with the X server on a
different machine than the client.  X is net-work transparent.
X applications can be run with the X server and X client on
different machines.  

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Did we bring enough
                                  at               BEEF JERKY?

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