Avaricen wrote:
Your analogy is incorrect. I'd suggest reading the Gentoo handbook about
package masking/unmasking. You also should read about USE Flags, so you
can set which flags you'd like to use. As far as I know Apache uses the
following by default: USE="ldap ssl -apache2 -debug -doc -mpm-itk
-mpm-leader -mpm-peruser -mpm-prefork -mpm-threadpool -mpm-worker
(-selinux) -static-modules -threads". Select which you'd prefer. If only
you cared to study a little.

If only someone had read the full thread or perhaps did some research on mod_proxy they might have realized it is part of Apache2 and you can't turn it on or off via use flags. If only you cared to study a little before berating a new user.

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