
Quite late :), I'm going to do my homework, that is the loooong upgrade to gcc 3.4.x --> 4.1.x

The subject has been widely discussed, so I've just a couple of questions to be super-safe:

- I'm going to follow [1] (of course) and [2] (looks nice). Other useful guides?

- Is there a new incompatible GCC upgrade going to be unmasked? I see 4.2 and 4.3 are hard masked, but if there is the suspicion they're going to be used relatively soon AND they are not binary compatible with 4.1, I may wait for those. When I did 3.3-->3.4, I waited long, and 4.1 became stable after a week... :/

- Is it mandatory/highly advisable to recompile also the kernel, or can I postpone? In the first case, when it's better to recompile it (before all/after all)?

- Do I have to emerge glibc 2.4 first and gcc later, or I can have glibc emerged in the emerge -e system?

- Any other glitch/tarpit I must be aware of?


Thanks for all!
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