On Sat, 2007-01-20 at 09:33 +0530, arnuld wrote:
> i ave installed X using "emerge X" and after hours of
> download-compile-install cycle "startx" tells me that drivers named
> "mouse" & "kbd" are not found. here is what i have done

did you forget to add these to /etc/make.conf?

INPUT_DEVICES="keyboard mouse synaptics"
VIDEO_CARDS="ati radeon vesa fbdev fglrx"

you may use a different set of drivers of course.  See google on these
for more info :)

Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

  "I always avoid prophesying beforehand because it is much better
  to prophesy after the event has already taken place. " - Winston

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