The only last thing I could suggest is running lsof to see what files
are being accessed when you start the net.eth1 script.

I tried lsof, but is there a possibility to run it constantly or for a
specified time to catch the complete progress of the script, like the
top command  to monitor all files which are used by this process. As
far as i can see lsof list only the current processes and the files
used and then it stops.

a better option would be `emerge --noconfmem <package>`, which
esentially re-does all your conf files.

I tried this also but i can't figure out which files could be
responsible for this

Additionally i tried this, running the init-script and then i applied
this find command

find / -mount -cmin -1

which lists all the files which status has changed the last minute,
but there are no files which could be the reason for the changing if
the tables.
I don't know if this command does what i want. I think it lists the
files which are altered and which are accessed. Am i right here?

I used this find command for reinstalling shorewall and setting back
the old settings too but without success.

This gets a bit frustrating for me now i always have to reset my
iptables manually after i start my internet connection. Is it possible
that there is no real file causing this trouble?
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