On Sat, 2007-01-20 at 23:39 +0530, arnuld wrote:
> > did you forget to add these to /etc/make.conf?
> > INPUT_DEVICES="keyboard mouse synaptics"
> > VIDEO_CARDS="ati radeon vesa fbdev fglrx"
> Iain, it seems likee you have not read my 1st post, here is the
> relevent part of it:
>       INPUT_DEVICES="keyboard mouse"
>       VIDEO_CARDS="fglrx vesa via vga v4l"

oops, you're right, I didn't see that :)  you spelt fglrx as flrx though
in your first post, but I see someone mentioned that already.

> BTW, what does "synaptics" do? and what do "ati radeon fbdev" do?

synaptics is the touchpad driver, and ati, radeon, and fbdev are all
video drivers.  These were just my examples, I was really pointing out
the INPUT_DEVICES section, which you've pointed out is the same as mine.

> > you may use a different set of drivers of course.  See google on these
> > for more info :)
> i tried google. it confused me even more.

ok, try these google searches:

INPUT_DEVICES VIDEO_CARDS site:http://www.gentoo.org
INPUT_DEVICES VIDEO_CARDS site:http://www.gentoo-wiki.org

>  what is DRI & OpenGL
> replacing X window system?

replacing?  not quite sure what you mean here...

>  what does "mesa" has to do with "DRI"

Mesa is an open-source implementation of the OpenGL specification. [1]

>  & why
> ATI RADEON search opens the links to AMD web-site

probably because ATI was bought by AMD not long ago, and the page you
visited doesn't exist anymore.

>  & then they show me
> something like AMD 9600 series for Linux x86_64 ?

maybe because they're auto-redirect for non-existant linux related pages
goes here?  some sort of semi-intelligent advertising?

> ?


OK, back to your issue.  It looks like you have the right options in
make.conf.  If your xorg.conf mouse section is the same as Dale's, then
it's the same as mine, so that should be fine (/dev/input/mice is ok).
I use the "kbd" driver, and so do you, so that looks fine.

That leaves the possibility that somehow the drivers still aren't
installed.  Can you try this command (it wont "do" anything to your

emerge -pv xf86-input-mouse xf86-input-keyboard

and then this one:

X -version

Hope you're getting somewhere!

[1] http://www.mesa3d.org/faq.html
Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

Suggest you just sit there and wait till life gets easier.

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