On Thursday 25 January 2007 07:41, Mick wrote:
> > (5) I found the installation of locales and keymaps.  None of the
> > available locales had "UTF-8" in their names, even though some of the
> > suggested ones did.  Should I presume that the UTF-8 adaptation is
> > created by the locale generating software?  What I want is a system that
> > uses UTF-8 internally and keyboards and consoles that accept input in
> > several languages -- English, French, math, Japanese, and mathematics.  I
> > guesses some entries and went on -- confident that this can be fixed
> > after installation.
> You need to edit /etc/locale.gen and add something like e.g. en_GB.UTF-8
> UTF-8 (the file is well commented with instructions) and then run
> locale-gen or re-emerge glibc.

Remerging glibc just to get it to run locale-gen seems very silly. (Yes, 
before locale-gen was created remerging glibc was the easiest way to do 
this). And yes, this can be easily be done following the utf-8 guide 


Bo Andresen

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